Discovering Golden Milk If you joined our Christmas Eve yin yoga class, you were treated to my epic golden milk. If not, you might be wondering—what exactly is golden milk? Golden milk is a warming, spiced drink with roots in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of health and medicine. Known for its comforting qualities …

Top 5 tips to discover your dharma
Top 5 Tips to Discover your Dharma If you have been feeling lost or confused, maybe feeling disappointed in your job or feeling down as a result of lockdown or a big covid-related life push, then this article and journal prompts are for you. What is dharma? Your dharma is your purpose. It’s the reason …
Top 5 Motivation Tips!
Top 5 Motivation Tips to get you off the couch and onto the mat When I asked my community what they struggled with the most in their yoga practice, it wasn’t being strong enough to hold crow pose for 30 seconds, or balanced enough to hold a headstand, or flexible enough to touch down …
Healthy living: Vegan Summer Rolls Recipe
Healthy living: Vegan Summer Rolls Recipe Practice mindful eating with this easy vegan summer roll recipe. Summer cooking from Vietnam. Wow a hot summer it’s been in Hanoi! Where did our rainy season go?! While it’s so hot AND we’ve been locked at home with no swimming pools all summer, it can be a bit …
Top 5 yoga poses to balance the throat chakra
The throat chakra continues… We’re back on the throat chakra! Welcome back if you joined me previously but if you didn’t THAT’S COOL you can go back to the previous article at any time, focus on being here and now! Last week, I looked at some ‘off the mat’ ways to bring Vishuddha, the throat …

Loaded Vegan Chickpea Stew Recipe!
Loaded vegan chickpea stew recipe! Easily and confidently cook your way to health with this healthy vegan chickpea stew recipe! This stew has got it all! Delicious creamy sauce, healthy herbs and spices, and protein. In short, everything you need to rest and recover your body after a tough practice or working day. Now a …

Speak your truth with kindness and compassion!
Speak your truth with kindness and compassion! This week, we are focusing on the throat chakra, the energy center dedicated to speaking your truth, communicating with love and freedom, and listening and understanding what is being communicated to you. Take a deep breath and reflect for a moment, do you speak your truth with …

Happy Birthday, Shri Ganesha! Celebrate with yoga, mudras and sweet snacks
Happy birthday Ganesha, the elephant-headed god, one of the most famous Hindu deities! He can be seen all over the world and is known for good luck, success and compassion. Shri Ganesha has the wisdom and loyalty of an elephant and is the Remover of Obstacles and Lord of Letters and Learning. Why does he have an …

Affirmations to cultivate self-esteem and happiness
Using affirmations to cultivate a positive mindset, self-esteem and happiness Do you practice affirmations? Why/why not? Do you feel like they ‘don’t work’? I think they do! I think they can be really helpful meditation tools to support focus. I also often offer an affirmation at the start of the practice that I think will …

20-minute yoga for neck and shoulder pain
Has working from home led to neck and shoulder pain? Yoga can help you! Sigh, I’m working from home again. It’s almost Lunar New Year, the year of the Buffalo, is just around the corner and WHAM! Here is the sodding Coronavirus back in Vietnam. Fingers crossed for no travel bans during the biggest festival …