Top 5 Motivation Tips to get you off the couch and onto the mat When I asked my community what they struggled with the most in their yoga practice, it wasn’t being strong enough to hold crow pose for 30 seconds, or balanced enough to hold a headstand, or flexible enough to touch down …
Category: Basics

20-minute yoga for neck and shoulder pain
Has working from home led to neck and shoulder pain? Yoga can help you! Sigh, I’m working from home again. It’s almost Lunar New Year, the year of the Buffalo, is just around the corner and WHAM! Here is the sodding Coronavirus back in Vietnam. Fingers crossed for no travel bans during the biggest festival …

Basics: Surya Namascar A, sun salutation A
Let’s break down the poses in Surya Namaskar A, sun salutation A What is a sun salutation? It’s a short sequence of poses that easily transition from one to the next. If you’ve practiced any kind of flow yoga before, I am confident that you will have practiced one variant of Surya Namaskar or another. …
Basics: Warm up and strengthen your wrists for pain free yoga
Warm up and strengthen your wrists for pain free yoga Do you feel pain in your wrists after a few downward facing dogs or even after the class? Do you know that you shouldn’t?? When you first start yoga, you might not get told how to warm up or strengthen your wrists, and it might …