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Category: intentions and affirmations

discover your dharma top tips

Top 5 tips to discover your dharma

Top 5 Tips to Discover your Dharma  If you have been feeling lost or confused, maybe feeling disappointed in your job or feeling down as a result of lockdown or a big covid-related life push, then this article and journal prompts are for you. What is dharma? Your dharma is your purpose. It’s the reason …

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Affirmations for improved self-esteem

Affirmations to cultivate self-esteem and happiness

Using affirmations to cultivate a positive mindset, self-esteem and happiness Do you practice affirmations? Why/why not? Do you feel like they ‘don’t work’? I think they do! I think they can be really helpful meditation tools to support focus. I also often offer an affirmation at the start of the practice that I think will …

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New Year Yoga

Top 5 yoga poses for the new year

Release last year’s experiences to make way for future ones! Last week, we started our intentions practice. Identifying the things that matter most to us and aligning our mind sets so that we are totally focused in achieving them. What was yours for January? This week, it’s time for new year yoga! Release last year’s experiences …

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A new year and a new, achievable intention!

Welcome the new year into your life with monthly, achievable intentions! We all like to set new intentions at new year, but how often do we actually achieve them? Let’s commit to achieving just one thing, one intention, one month at a time. Sign up to access this downloadable workbook to set an achievable intention for …

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