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Tag: ashtanga yog

Heart chakra yoga

Practice heart chakra yoga and love unconditionally

Practice heart chakra yoga and love unconditionally The heart chakra, or Anahata meaning unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten from the Sanskrit is so powerful. When this chakra is in balance, we feel like we can achieve anything, nothing is beyond our power, and it is associated with balance, calm and serenity. To get this deep feeling …

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Manipura chakra: boost energy and personal power

Energise the Manipura Chakra, the city of jewels and the centre of our personal freedom I kinda completed my ‘to-do’ list today! I woke up, wrote a list of things I needed to do and set about them. It didn’t even take that long! I even had time to drink a mango smoothie by Ho …

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Downward facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana

Basics: Surya Namascar A, sun salutation A

Let’s break down the poses in Surya Namaskar A, sun salutation A What is a sun salutation? It’s a short sequence of poses that easily transition from one to the next. If you’ve practiced any kind of flow yoga before, I am confident that you will have practiced one variant of Surya Namaskar or another. …

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