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Pu Luong Yoga Retreat

News! #1

Mercury in retrograde: news and events update

It’s been a bit of a crazy month! Four weeks, four blog posts, two phones (water damage!), one typhoon, one laptop scare (today, hence such a late blog post! Darn toddlers and their curiosity), one ill family member, two yoga retreats, two Yoga Out Loud sessions and I don’t know how many yoga classes!

Mercury in retrograde, AM I RIGHT?!

There have been many ups and downs and I think it’s been super important to keep this mantra in mind:

What is simply is. This too will pass. 

And it will. Stress not over what you can’t influence. Put your energy where you can.

Pu Luong Treehouses 9-11th October

Pu Luong Yoga Retreat
Look where we are!
Pu Luong Yoga Retreat
Captured on my Minolta SRT
Pu Luong Yoga Retreat
Sunrise on the yoga platform

14 yogis and 3 teachers and 1 photographer embarked on a deep dive into their yoga practice. From brand new yogis to seasoned vets, there was something for everyone to join in and grow from.

It was our job to guide the new yogis to a place of comfort and belonging, and the advanced yogis to another dimension of their practice. And of course all the levels and styles of our beloved yogis in between!


Our teachers

We were lucky to have three teachers: myself, Gabriela Brisolla and Lizzy Charles. We’re all teachers in Hanoi but have come on very different journeys.

Gabriela Brisolla

Gabi is from Brazil and is all about strength and functional movement. Her yogi education stems primarily from Hatha traditions. Gabi is independent and resourceful, seeing opportunities to grow and connect everywhere.

Pu Luong Yoga Retreat
Gabi leads morning meditation

Lizzy Charles

Lizzy is from England and has been practicing yoga since she was a child, following her mum’s teachings. Her personal practice stems from Sivananda traditions and extensive time spent in a few of their ashrams around the world. Lizzy sees the good and positive everywhere and is beacon of hope.

Pu Luong Yoga Retreat
Lizzy delivers a yoga philosophy talk in the garden
Pu Luong Yoga Retreat
Lizzy leads the hike!
Pu Luong Yoga Retreat
We made it!

Ashtanga breakdown – the workshop

I led one workshop breaking down the Ashtanga method a little bit. I gave some information on the Tristhana (prana, dristi and bandhas or breath, gaze and energy locks) and we went through some foundational poses and some advanced poses of the Primary Series practice.

The idea of this workshop was to prepare students for the full led series the next morning.

There were some great tips for the newcomers to the practice, which were most students, such as how to do the Ujayii ‘victorious’ breath and who should not practice it, the foundational standing and seated poses, and how to modify the practice for their bodies, flexibility and strength.

One of our advanced students had not just one but two breakthroughs! Crow pose and bandha transformation!

Sometimes, we just need the right words at the right time. Sometimes, we need a little miracle.

For most participants, this was their first full primary Ashtanga series, for many it was their first Ashtanga experience!

Our mission

Our mission was to guide our guests to deepen their practice, learn new tools that support their personal yoga practice and connect with their true, authentic self. I think we succeeded!

Pu Luong Yoga Retreat
Playing in the sun and beautiful scenery

Yoga Out Loud

Yoga Out Loud Oct 2020


Yoga Out Loud was super fun! It was the sunniest, blue sky day in Hanoi, one that makes you fall in love with the city all over again!

Our venue, the Spot, was ideal. Close enough to Tay Ho district to attract many friends and community newcomers but far enough out in the fields and kumquat trees to make you forget you are in the chaotic capital city of Vietnam!

We couldn’t have asked for a better day to splash in the pool, drink freshly made juices and fluidly flow to the smooth beats of Another Monkey!

Yoga Out Loud Oct 2020
Savasana in our chill 9.30am session
Yoga Out Loud Oct 2020
Gabi closes the first session
Yoga Out Loud Oct 2020
Mic’ed up and ready to flow!

The first session was guided by Gabi and I was supporting with some hands-on assists and general guidance. I think it really helped to have an extra teacher to give individual tips on the ground to both advanced and newer yogis, to help them get the most out of each session. It’s been a while since I focused one-to-one, even in such small bursts, and I forgot how fun it is to really examine what someone needs, what they’re struggling with and what words might help them to find balance.

I led the second session and we moved and swayed to the rhythm of our bodies. It was so energising! Thank you everyone who came!

What next?

We want to do this again! Next month! Want to join us? Keep an eye on these emails for the next event and mark it in your calendar!


Wildly at Peace yoga retreat

Wildly at Peace Yoga Retreat
Our beautiful yoga space overlooking farms and hills
Wildly at Peace Yoga Retreat
I discovered what the tea is that I get at my favourite spa – licorice root!


I had an amazing time taking part and delivering Pranayama techniques at this wonderful retreat led by my dear friend, Andria Trisha Mizen. She is a wonderful woman and human being, follow her page Fiery Earth for any future events she guides before she leaves these shores.

Wildly at Peace Yoga Retreat
Check out the pool…

Upcoming events

The nights have been coming earlier. The sun’s setting sooner, darkness creeps in faster and oh my how the temperature has dropped! Unseasonably cold, I think. Certainly chilly for me, but I am a total woose! As the year comes to a close, the number of events left in 2020 will end too.


Samadhi Yoga Retreats

There’s one more Samadhi retreat this year in November at the beautiful eco lake house in Yen Bai on Thac Ba lake. If you haven’t been, I highly recommend!

Devastating floods in Vietnam

You might have heard about the devastating floods in Central Vietnam, but if you’re not in Vietnam, you may not have. The rains, floods and landslides have killed well over a hundred people, thousands have been displaced from their homes and have lost absolutely everything.

We at Moon Yoga Hanoi are hoping to have a fundraiser day before too long – although picking an available day for everyone is always a challenge! But as soon as we know, you’ll know too!

If you want to donate, Blue Dragon are a reliable and reputable company. They do incredible work.


Ashtanga breakdown – the mini-course!

Something else I’m keen to do in the future is an Ashtanga mini-course, five sessions or so culminating in the full series. Each session would focus on a different part of the practice, is this something you would be interested? I’d aim to facilitate it both on and offline, so everyone who wants to be involved can be!

Let me know if this is something you’d be keen on!

And finally, a general reminder of my schedule! In addition to my regular classes on a Tuesday evening at Moon Yoga (both available by Zoom, just message me for details!), I’ll be covering Ashtanga at the Fitness Village in Tay Ho at 6.40pm on Fridays. Unfortunately, this is not available by Zoom.

November class schedule

Next month in the blog…

Stay tuned for lots of more exciting things coming your way…

  • 5 poses for focus and concentration
  • Basics: Surya Namascar A
  • 7 Chakra balance: Sacral
  • And who can say what else.

Thank you for reading all the way to the end!

You are amazing! And persistent!

And remember, some things go up and some things go down. Nothing lasts forever, not the sunrise or the sunset, the clouds in the sky or the rain in the garden.

This too will pass.

See you soon

Mwah Mwah xxx

Lolli the Yogicorn


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